Tuesday 24 April 2012

Reached Belgium

Hi Folks

We have travelled just over 600 miles so far since leaving home and had a nice night with both Leah and Gareth going out for a meal with Leah's boyfriend and his family. The next day Viv and I travelled over to see old friends from university who put us up and fed and wined us to great effect. We left Dover with the white cliffs just about visible in the rain and mist and headed off across the channel. Pretty calm crossing and sun briefly on the French side although it soon clouded over and poured off and on. We decided to book into a small hotel for the night in view of the frequent rain showers, just did not fancy a damp tent in the back of the car. It is surprising how restrictive a boat on the back actually is not just for manouvering but also worrying about leaving it unattended in public places and finfding parking spaces. We intend to get up early and head off for Luxemburhe then on to Ulm in Germany for the night before hitting the lodge we have booked into on the German Austrian border Thursday. I'm glad we are on our way now, too late for anything else we have left behind.

Saw loads of Buzzards, Kestrels at least one eagle (not sure what type) and a few Red Kites.

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