Sunday 8 September 2013

Sunday 8th September F-1day

We has a BBQ the other night, Leah had some friends round and it was still just warm enough to sit outside as it got dark although we had to have warm layers and blankets at hand.

First real chance we have had to sit on the patio on the new beach at night!

Just after we had all gone in we had a visitor patrolling the edge of the patio, a prime suspect for the culprit who has been dropping rather large Richard 3rds all over the lawn, considering the size of the droppings it's been leaving I was expecting it to be about four times the size.

I think we have just about packed the van and we are pleasantly surprised at how much room is left, all the more to bring goodies back in! We have left poor old Leah with a big long list of things to do including the lawns, picking up the fruit and freezing some of it. I was busy this weekend pressing apples making 8 bottles of juice to freeze for Christmas and drink now. I also picked and halved 9 bags of lovely plums, there are loads left but it's been a hassle sorting out the ones with worms in from the nice ones. I really need to put grease bands on the trees this winter to try and reduce the bugs getting in next year.

Sandra the pig seems to have made a full recovery after suffering what looked like a stroke the other day but may have just been a wasp sting or something. She is back running around and arguing with the other pigs.

The Buzzards are still soaring over the garden most days but seem to have gone higher so maybe they have noticed Sandra has improved and will not be going to the big hutch in the sky quite yet.

The guitar is in the van and Viv's uke is in I am still toying with putting the banjo in but there is a degree of resistance to the idea from the other occupant but it would be nice to have the opportunity to play it a bit more.

Hopefully the next entry will be from France!

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