Thursday 23 April 2015

Almost ready to go into the water

Here she is with the hull painted ready for the anti-foul to be added.

Here she is with the hull anti-fouled and the design line picked out in Bluebell blue.

A bit of TLC and the front door came up a treat.

Carpet fitters have been in the saloon as well.

Half way through adding the anti-foul, glad it's done now, a right awkward job at times.

This a shot across the marsh at the top end of Bassenthwaite Lake looking towards Keswick, Alec and I had been up to the RSPB centre in the hills to the top left where they have a video camera on a pair of nesting Ospreys who currently have one egg. I came back down and drove around the other side, in the centre distance there is an Osprey in the top right hand corner of the tree! All around me were Cowslips, Bluebells just coming out and Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs, Thrushes and the odd Nuthatch all calling in the sun whilst I watched the Osprey.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Dave the Dove arrives

Leah found a young Collard Dove in the road on her way home the other day, looks like it was probably blown out of it's nest in a strong wind. Unfortunately it's brother or sister was lying on it's back expired next to it. She named it Dave and it's come to stay with us for a while. It must be very close to fledging as it is eating seeds and drinking and can flutter up to a perch but probably won't be ready to fly off for a few days yet.

Friday 10 April 2015

Croyde and Maryport March 2015

Viv out on Baggy Point

Looking pleased having just been watching the Fulmars on the cliffs behind me.

Giving our future bedroom in the fore-peak a coat of paint.

Getting a bit of fresh air.

Alec re-sealing the join between the desk and hull after we had ground out all the old rotten filler.

A few pictures from Croyde in March

Fred, Mum, Me and Dad on the balcony at Trimstone.

Sunset from the kitchen window.

10th April 2015

Happiness is cuddling up to the wife in a weedy pond, Toads back a month later than last year but so far two have spawned. This pair had a very light coloured Mr Toad.

Just after the Toads came back so did Limpy Mallard the male that has been visiting for about 3 years now each spring but no Mrs Duck with him so far so he doesn't tend to stay long.

The pond is only just starting to sprout this years weed and reed growth and still looks very open so maybe that's putting him off. It does seem to appeal to a passing Heron though that has visited early morning a few times now and has probably had quite a few of the goldfish and scared the others into hiding much of the day. Hope it doesn't eat the toads though.

The pond is full of full newts, if I approach quietly I can see the males displaying waving their tails around to attract the females who are all very plump around the middle. There are at least 2 in the little pond as well feeding on the tadpoles from frogspawn in there.

Walked back home along the old railway line yesterday, at least a dozen Chiffchaffs singing in the bushes, Buzzards and Skylarks overhead singing and Blackbirds, Song Thrushes, Robins and Dunnocks all collecting food for young. Quite a few Brimstone butterflies, Small Tortoiseshells and first Orange Tip that Springwatch highlighted as harbinger of spring.

After the walk had poached eggs, took a picture as one double yoke and the other a triple!