Friday 10 April 2015

10th April 2015

Happiness is cuddling up to the wife in a weedy pond, Toads back a month later than last year but so far two have spawned. This pair had a very light coloured Mr Toad.

Just after the Toads came back so did Limpy Mallard the male that has been visiting for about 3 years now each spring but no Mrs Duck with him so far so he doesn't tend to stay long.

The pond is only just starting to sprout this years weed and reed growth and still looks very open so maybe that's putting him off. It does seem to appeal to a passing Heron though that has visited early morning a few times now and has probably had quite a few of the goldfish and scared the others into hiding much of the day. Hope it doesn't eat the toads though.

The pond is full of full newts, if I approach quietly I can see the males displaying waving their tails around to attract the females who are all very plump around the middle. There are at least 2 in the little pond as well feeding on the tadpoles from frogspawn in there.

Walked back home along the old railway line yesterday, at least a dozen Chiffchaffs singing in the bushes, Buzzards and Skylarks overhead singing and Blackbirds, Song Thrushes, Robins and Dunnocks all collecting food for young. Quite a few Brimstone butterflies, Small Tortoiseshells and first Orange Tip that Springwatch highlighted as harbinger of spring.

After the walk had poached eggs, took a picture as one double yoke and the other a triple!

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