Sunday 31 May 2015

Viv and Gypsy

Viv with Leah's new dog, Gypsy.

Launching the boat 27th May

Today was the big day as Sundance due to go back in the water, weather was a bit overcast and gradually got windier and wetter as the day wore on. Simon and Andrew were the ground crew operating the lift. We had planned to put her back in Thursday but the forecast was for strong winds and another boat was due in that would block the slipway for a day or so. I'm glad we put her in when we did as the winds for the next two days were really strong and gusty so we probably would not have launched had we waited.

The boat was winched up off the chocks giving me chance to anti-foul the bits where the chocks had been and give most of the hull another coat as I had a bit of anti-foul left, better on the hull than in the can. Andrew drove the crane down the slip whilst Simon and I followed.

Once in the water Simon and I climbed aboard from the crane and after checking no leaks started the engine that fired first time then as the cradle was lowered I backed her gently out and then motored her around to her new berth on the pontoon. First time at the tiller and although only a short trip she seemed to handle well.

Looking down from the quay shows how beamy she actually is.

I stayed up in Maryport for a few days once she was on the water to check her out and first night got up at 2:00 am as the van rocking in gusts of at least a force 7 at times and wanted to be sure the moorings holding and still afloat!

A view across the marina from the lock gates showing the camper van on the quay and Sundance happily moored under it. I can't wait to sort the rigging out and then take her out for a sail.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Boat delivery Dover to Lymington May 2015

Traveled down to Dover to meet up with Vaughn, Edward, James, Me and Andy to move Vaughn and James's boat along the coast so they can eventually take it over to Jersey.

Whilst in Dover it was a great opportunity to meet up with Chris and Caroline to old friends from university and chew over old times over a beer or two.

A Salty Seadog of the south coast having just rounded Beachy Head in the background.

Our mode of transport a Playvasin Tornado 31, an old girl in not bad nick originally built for use in the Mediterranean. Vaughn and James had bought her in Grimsby and had got her to Dover where they had been stuck for a while due to the weather and other commitments. Sailing her gave me a chance to get used to a 30 footer in English waters ready for when our boat Sundance is back in the water and ready to go.

The Playvasin is built more with the cruising sailor in mind, very spacious below deck with up to 6 adult berths and a child berth being 12 foot in the beam. However, the extra width means not as elegant or quick through the water as Sundance will hopefully be and no spinnaker or cruising shute fittings.

Edward, Vaughn and Andy off Beachy Head.

We ended up making the trip from Dover to Lymington in one hop. leaving Dover at 05:00 Saturday and arriving Lymington 09:00 Sunday. I really enjoyed sailing into the eastern approach of the Solent from Selsey Bill at 02:00 Sunday morning helming her all the way through the Solent and into the marina at Lymington.

Andy and I left at Lymington as the weather forecast was for light northerly winds which meant motor sailing across the channel all the way with just the genoa up at best. 12 hours under motor just did not appeal.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

19th May 2015

We have a flock of about 20-30 House Sparrows around the garden but for a while now we have been having one or two pairs of Tree Sparrows visiting as well. They are the much scarcer relative of the House Sparrow with a brown head and distinctive black cheek patch.

I have been trying to make another raised bed in between the frequent heavy showers, some great rainbows though.

Our latest addition to the pig herd Ginger, is settling in well and seems to be getting on with Susan and Sonia (left and centre).

Sunday 17 May 2015

Diamond Wedding Anniversary party

Ole, Ben, Roger, Kyrran

Bev, Mum and Tracey

Kyrran following his grandfather's lead playing a few more modern tunes.

Garetth and Vicky looking cool in their shades

Enjoying one of Dad's "Fat-Boy Breakfasts"

The Chef..

More from the Diamond Wedding party

Gareth, Dad and Roger

Sis and her fella

Roger, Dad, Me and Colin

Leah, Vicky, Viv and Mum

Gareth, Mum, Dad, Tracey, Kyrran, Leah in fore-ground.

Peter, Jolene, Oolie, Felicity, Bev, Colin, Roger and Ben behind.

Dad playing a few of the old favourite tunes you love to hear again.

Mum and Dad's Diamond Wedding Anniversary Bar-B-Q

The Happy Couple with their Telegram from the Queen.

Tracey, Me and Bev

Ben and Leah

Oolie, Felicity, Jolene and Peter

Friday 15 May 2015

New addition to the herd

This is Ginger, she had been living in a garage and was getting a little neglected now the kids that owned her had lost interest so she has come to live in the garden with Susan and Sonia.

Ginger's first steps out on her own into the wide world, seems to be settling in ok.

Wisteria on the front of the house looking a treat putting the old fella in the foreground to shame.

Visitors to the garden May 2015

This little fella flew into the window inside the dining room, I think it's a she and she was being chased by a rather amorous male. She knocked herself out for while and sat on my hand for about five minutes looking like she was drunk until fit enough to fly off again. At which point the male appeared back in the apple tree and took up his pursuit again.

Phil and his favourite mate Limpy come almost every day at present, she even comes into the dining room if the door is open and no food is under the tree.

Yesterday he was displaying to her shivering his wings and craning his neck a bit like peacocks do when courting her, I've not seen pheasants do that before.

14th May 20115

Alec binding a loop on one of the halyards, he got quite good at this seeing as he put at least one on the wrong end and had to do it again!

Carpets, new mats, seats back in and a paint job have all given the main cabin a spruce up.

I've insulated and then carpeted the side walls in the fore-peak now we just have to get some cushions made for the bed. We decided to paint over the varnish I put on the boards as it now matches the top of the lockers around the rest of the boat.

We had a last test of the engine and checked all the sea cocks so hopefully she will go back in the water next time I'm up.

A view of the starboard quarter-berth with seats back in and painted up, the portable toilet in the back will fit in a recess in the middle of the fore-peak.

The port side quarter-berth, now the cushions are back in they look more inviting than before. Both quarter-berths are around six and half feet long so plenty of sleeping room and now cushions are in it is easier to get into the port side feet first than crawling in head first as I have been doing when working at the back or painting. There is also quite a bit of additional storage at the back of the port side as well.

The two seats in the cabin are only five and half feet long so not bad for a quick nap if you curl up or alright for those not quite so vertically challenged.

We have still to fit a new work top for the sink but I have found a two ring cooker that will fit under the existing cupboards and pull out when being used. This will allow us to extend the work surface and fit a microwave underneath. We have bought a portable 240/12 volt cool box that will fit at the side of the chart table on the other side of the cabin.