Sunday 31 May 2015

Launching the boat 27th May

Today was the big day as Sundance due to go back in the water, weather was a bit overcast and gradually got windier and wetter as the day wore on. Simon and Andrew were the ground crew operating the lift. We had planned to put her back in Thursday but the forecast was for strong winds and another boat was due in that would block the slipway for a day or so. I'm glad we put her in when we did as the winds for the next two days were really strong and gusty so we probably would not have launched had we waited.

The boat was winched up off the chocks giving me chance to anti-foul the bits where the chocks had been and give most of the hull another coat as I had a bit of anti-foul left, better on the hull than in the can. Andrew drove the crane down the slip whilst Simon and I followed.

Once in the water Simon and I climbed aboard from the crane and after checking no leaks started the engine that fired first time then as the cradle was lowered I backed her gently out and then motored her around to her new berth on the pontoon. First time at the tiller and although only a short trip she seemed to handle well.

Looking down from the quay shows how beamy she actually is.

I stayed up in Maryport for a few days once she was on the water to check her out and first night got up at 2:00 am as the van rocking in gusts of at least a force 7 at times and wanted to be sure the moorings holding and still afloat!

A view across the marina from the lock gates showing the camper van on the quay and Sundance happily moored under it. I can't wait to sort the rigging out and then take her out for a sail.

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