Friday 31 July 2015

Weed cutting over the sailing lake July 2015

The warm weather and the fact we have a lot of geese and gulls roosting on the lake we sail on has resulted in a lot of weed growth this year that has needed cutting. So last week I went on a half day course with a few others from the club to learn to drive a weed cutting and raking boat. It is a bit like driving a fork lift truck that floats.

We spent the first day and half cutting then changed over to raking. This is me with a load I've scooped up and about to drop in the boat to be taken back to the bank.

Precision work as to far and you miss the boat, not far enough and it lands on the driver!

It can be a bit hairy when you first lift the weed up, if there is a big heavy load it makes the boat rock side to side, no chance it will tip but with the front down and rocking it does give a bit of a scare the first few times it happens.

I've done my stint over 3 days so off now for the weekend back home looking after Viv who is improving by the day but still not able to drive yet.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Mrs Queen Bee

When I went out to the pond this afternoon to feed the fish I found this beauty swimming about among the lillies. On closer examination she has a passenger on her back that I think is a male bee mating with her, I've never seen them actually mating before.

Needless to say after fishing them out the pond and drying them off they flew off somewhere to start another colony of happy bumble bees.

Monday 20 July 2015

Monday 20th July

Gareth and Vicky bought me a long hedge trimmer for Christmas, much better for getting at the top of the hedge than the smaller hand held one I've been using but still a major job to cut all the hedge after the spring growth spurt.

Sonia enjoying a slice of over-ripe water melon whilst Ginger the newest pig looks on with a bit of envy, Susan is under the box.

Leah invited me along for a sail up river today as she has got a couple of weeks off and wanted to explore in her boat. We set off in nice warm sunshine.

A mile up river and the rain arrived but didn't stop for too long but did cool things down a bit and brought Gypsy up on deck.

Leah managed to squeeze the boat into a gap about four feet longer than the boat, probably the lure of the pub just across the grass helped her concentrate.

I walked home back along the river to pick up the car and just arrived back before it threw it down with rain. We had a good day out though seeing Kingfisher, Grey and Pied Wagtails a Hobby being chased by a flock of martins and swifts and a close up view of a Sedge Warbler.

A few more from Sunday on the river

Leah and Gypsy enjoying the sun

The lad and I battling the current and wind

Hiawatha and Minnie Haha returning to base after exploring.

Viv and Vicky

Sunday 19th July - A day on the river

Gareth and Vicky were up for the weekend, Sunday was a beautiful sunny day so we met up with Leah at her boat and took the canoe out for a spin on the river.

Viv still not up for paddling with her shoulder yet so she sat on the pontoon and watched over us.

The last of the great explorers took to the water a little later.

A shot of the great explorers coming ashore at a watering hole in the mangroves.

Vicky, Gypsey and Leah in the sun.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Maryport early July 2015

Just got back from another trip up to Maryport where I managed too get on the boat with Simon the chap we bought it from for it's maiden sail. Quite a rough day but the boat handled beautifully and was a pleasure to sail. Unfortunately didn't manage to get any photos of the sail.

Did get a few pictures of some lovely orchids growing along the sea front.

Had a trip out to St Bees Head and walked along the cliff top, the RSPB have made quite a few vieiwing points to look over the cliff top at the sea bird colonies below. Mainly Guillemots, Razorbills and Kittiwakes with a few Puffins on the water. Also saw Ravens, a Peregrine, Kestrel and stacks of Jackdaws.

The dots on the cliff below are Mainly Guillemots lower down and the odd Razorbill higher up.

As can be seen Viv looking better and getting more active by the day but not up to sailing yet.