Monday 20 July 2015

Monday 20th July

Gareth and Vicky bought me a long hedge trimmer for Christmas, much better for getting at the top of the hedge than the smaller hand held one I've been using but still a major job to cut all the hedge after the spring growth spurt.

Sonia enjoying a slice of over-ripe water melon whilst Ginger the newest pig looks on with a bit of envy, Susan is under the box.

Leah invited me along for a sail up river today as she has got a couple of weeks off and wanted to explore in her boat. We set off in nice warm sunshine.

A mile up river and the rain arrived but didn't stop for too long but did cool things down a bit and brought Gypsy up on deck.

Leah managed to squeeze the boat into a gap about four feet longer than the boat, probably the lure of the pub just across the grass helped her concentrate.

I walked home back along the river to pick up the car and just arrived back before it threw it down with rain. We had a good day out though seeing Kingfisher, Grey and Pied Wagtails a Hobby being chased by a flock of martins and swifts and a close up view of a Sedge Warbler.

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