Thursday 21 June 2012

Thursday 21st June, Bailleul, near Lille, France

Thursday 21st June, Bailleul, near Lille, France

Off early this morning after a night in a Formula One Hotel, good value if you don’t mind simple and cheap with no frills.

Today’s journey was a stark contrast to yesterday’s mountains, 350 miles of rolling landscape, pretty,  straight tree lined roads with arable crops to either side and the odd wood. As we got nearer to Lille there were frequent reminders of the two world wars with numerous graveyards and monuments to those that fell. Quite sobering and sad to think of what it must have been like for all those young men and how different the landscape would have been to today’s sun-kissed fields.

Were making good time to Lille so called into a supermarket to do a bit of shopping. On leaving we were hit by a thunderstorm that turned into a torrential downpour on the motorway. At least one local resident will be going home to change their trousers having done a complete 720 degree spin in the outside line coming to rest broadside on across the middle lane having hit standing water just in front of us. Cars and lorries were coming past us at well over 70mph and how they could see and why there were no more accidents is completely beyond me.

Having made it to the hotel after more than one scare in the torrential rain we retired to the McDonalds next door for a big Mac and chips!

Only just over 50 miles to Calais tomorrow and the ferry back.

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