Tuesday 5 June 2012

Thursday 5th June

Tuesday 5th June

I met a nice older couple on the quay last night William and Bridgit whilst watching the moon rise it was almost a full moon and a beautiful yellow colour. We got to talking about boats and they spoke about a holiday in Norfolk on a small boat when they were courting that involved a boat without a cabin in 1956, made me smile as it was the year I was born.

Whilst eating in the local Taverna we were amused to watch the swallows flying around above the dinners’ heads and then as it got dark roosting on the mast heads of a model ship on pelmet in the restaurant.

Nice to spend a night not under canvas in a steady bed, usual spinach pastry for breakfast then went to hire a scooter for the day to pick Gareth up. Drove over the island to the airport, it is different to Ithaca and the other islands, more flat spaces and you can see why in the past it has built up a reputation for cultivating things like raisins, wine and honey. I even saw cows and horses, the first for over a month.

Drove past the monument to the Italian Division that was massacred when Italy surrendered and the German forces did not want to have to hold thousands of prisoners of war who and formerly occupied the island. It is not until you travel and move around you become aware of the history and all the things that have happened over time.

Arrived at the airport and it rained, we had to shelter under a building in Argistoli for a while until it stopped. Then we had a nice run up the west coast with some lovely views until we turned inland to Eufimia.

After a beer we all went swimming and Gareth brought some luck with him as a turtle swam up to him and when he called me over we swam alongside it before it dived too deep for us to follow. At times it was within touching distance of us quite a magic moment for both of us.

If the wind is favourable tomorrow we intend to sail up the east coast and rough camp for the night before crossing over to Polis Bay on Ithaca where we have booked Thursday night in an apartment.

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