Tuesday 1 October 2013

 Saturday September 28th

We went back into Villefranche de Perigord to try and get onto the internet as although it was free in the tourist office no-one seemed to be able to get on line. Having given up we went to the market but only four stalls so ended up chatting over a coffee with an nice English couple Rachel and David who live in Deal and have a house locally.

We were intending to visit Cahors but quite a big place and nowehere easy to park the van up and cycle back so pushed on south and spent the night on a small wine and beer producers farm run by an English couple called Sarah and David Meakin who produce their own wines and beers under the Domaine du Merchein. Sarah made us very welcome and gave us a tasting session despite only have just got in from a day at the market and having to be up early to run a another stall tomorrow. We bought a bottle of wine and a beer brewed with a couple of stalks of Saffron in it that sells well locally.

As we were getting ready for bed there was a really big thunderstorm brewing and I sat outside watching the lightning show as it got closer before bed with a glass or two of wine. As the lightning was flashing I could here Corncrake calling in the fields in front of us and just across the valley as it got dusk I could hear wild boar squabbling as they came out to feed but it was a bit too dark to actually see them. We turned out the lights in the van and watched the storm gather before we went to sleep but woke up later to the rain hammering on the roof and flashes and grumbles all around.

Sunday 29th September

Visited St Antonin-Noble-Val  a beautiful medieval town that had a big Sunday market and met up with Sarah our host from last night standing her wine and beer stall to say goodbye. They have parties turn up the beginning of October to pick grapes, just a bit too late for us this year but maybe another time. The market was full of stalls all mainly local produce, I treated myself to a venison (Cerf) salami and Viv had yet another early birthday present when we visited a very good local potter Eric Fuare who makes porcelain ware both for use and decoration. He was very pleasant and showed Viv around his workshop at the back of his studio and they discussed glazes and other potty things.

We had a few places in mind to stay at and eventually ended up on a diary farm in Luzert parked up against the barn wall. We were met by the farmer’s daughter as she was out on a call as it appears she may be a reserve firefighter and dad is away. She chatted away and showed us around the diary where we bought some fresh yoghurt and goat’s cheese. The yoghurt was absolutely delicious so we bought some more for breakfast for the next couple of days.

Monday 30th September

Drove down to Moissan a town on the River Tarn where the “Canal Des Duex Mers” crosses the River Tarn on a long aquaduct that has a cycle track by the side of it we cycled along. The canal runs from Bordeaux to the Mediterranean and it is possible to cycle alongside it all the way, now that would be an adventure for a future year.

As we were cycling along the canal we spotted a large Coypu swimming along the other bank and cycled along watching it swimming until it decided to have a snooze in a little hollow in the sun.

Camped the night on a fruit farm just outside Moissac, the farmer took us to see them picking grapes for the table most of which go to Belgium and his wife gave us some fresh grapes, plums and green gauges. We also scrumped a few plums and big fresh figs whilst having a short walk. Our campsite was on a small hard standing opposite the farm but perched on the edge of the valley looking out across vineyards and orchards as we Bar-BQd as the sun went down.

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