Monday 14 October 2013

The end

Well back in wet and cold England again after a fantastic trip away. The ferry back was great and relatively calm for the Bay of Biscay although Mrs. P might not agree having gone to bed early without any tea as feeling a bit woozy!

We had a beautiful sunset on the ferry and were entertained by two big schools of Dolphins jumping about in the wake of the ship some getting quite close. I reckon there were well over 50 in view at one point. We also saw a few schools of Flying Fish take off as we passed them or maybe they were being hunted. They would just appear as a silver shimmer and then drop back into the water.

Viv "Bradley Wiggins" on the beach near Souston

Ripping up some surf in Biarritz

Sunset at Biarritz with the Spanish coast in the distance

Sunset over Biarritz, the storm passed well inland fortunately

Waiting to board the ferry, nearly all over.

Sunset over the Bay of Biscay

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