Friday 30 January 2015

Morning Tea with Leah 30th January

Drove over to Hazelford to have morning tea with Leah this morning as a lovely sunny day for a visit to the river. The boat looking very nice in the sunlight although a bit of a muddy track to get down to it.

The river was flowing quite swiftly after the recent snow and melting. No sign of the Robin who comes into the boat given half a chance or the Moorhen but there was a lovely little Marsh Tit calling from a reed stem on the other side of the jetty.

As it was such a lovely day we walked up river towards the sailing lake to see if we could spot the Tawny Owl sunning itself in the hollow tree it often roosts in. We were in luck today and got a great view of it snuggled down in it's hole enjoying the winter sun, 105th species for the year!

Had to rush back a bit as I was picking up Viv after she had been swimming.

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