Saturday 10 August 2013

Last days in Cornwall

Tuesday 6th August

Lovely sunny day today so set off on the ebb tide for Coverack, wind took a while to set in but by late morning it was blowing a steady F2 from the south west and we had a lovely sail along the coast inside the Manacle Reef and down to Coverack spotting a pair of Harbour Porpoise on the way off the back of the boat and small flocks of Manx Shearwater and Gannets.

Beached the boats on the sand, rolling them up to just above the low water mark then went for a coffee and ice cream, they had sold out of pasties!

Nice sail back in the sun and set the spinnaker for a while, about 14 miles in all.

Wednesday 7th

Last day for sailing today, Doug and Jude set off in the morning and motored over to Falmouth to revisit his old haunts whilst Viv and Joanna went to get more fish for dinner and Ian and I went for a walk on the Lizard. I was hoping to see a Chough but none about, we did see a really obliging young male Kestrel who posed close up for snaps and spotted a large Basking Shark in the bay under the coffee shop. We could have paid for our coffees if we had charged people for the loan of our binoculars to see the shark. There was also a lone seal in the same bay for a while.

Came back and had a gentle sail round to Helford to the Shipley Arms again where we were met Doug and Jude. Sailed back out of the bay under spinnaker but had to motor the last bit back to the beach where we pulled out ready to de-rig for going home.

Fresh Mackerel and Pollack on the bar-b-q for tea.

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