Thursday 15 August 2013

Thursday 15 August

Thursday 15th August

Just got back from picking up a chest freezer from some friends so we can freeze a bit more garden produce like apple juice and fruit. Just made it back with it the trailer before it poured with rain, then just a quick the sun was back out again.

Earlier went to the dump with another 10 sacks of hedge and garden cuttings plus a couple of very smelly bags that were fermenting well, at least the hedge has been trimmed for another year now, always a mamouth job.

Yesterday whilst cutting the hedge 3 Buzzards were circling over the garden, I hope they haven't spied the pigs out in their pen helping keep the lawn short. A bit later a Magpie was examining the cage but they are well known for doing that. Meanwhile a Great Spotted Woodpecker came down to the nut feeder in the pear tree. Not seen the Green Woodpecker for a few days but it was in next doors garden after ants a few days ago.

I went out the other night to look for Hedgehogs as they continue to leave rather large poohs in the garden but no sign, although three nice newts in the pond by torchlight, the last few days there have been a few large toads wandering about early morning.

A Common Toad enjoying the sun on a lily pad in the pond

The Buddlia is attracting some nice butterflies at the moment when the sun comes out lots of Large Whites, Peacocks and Commas not as many varieties as there were on the Lizzard last week but still a nice selection.

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