Friday 30 May 2014

Friday 30th May

We had dinner and then went for a walk in the backstreets of Preveza and found a really nice cafe called the Art Cafe after the paintings on the wall I suppose, the DJ, Chris was playing really good songs and after a few beers we got chatting. To cut a short story shorter he suggested I go back and get my guitar and play so I did. We ended up swapping songs and singing until 2:45 when Sam and I retired a little squiffy to the boat. A great way of shutting out the beat from the local cafe! We have swapped phone numbers as he wants us to return so next time he can get his guitar as well. They were supplying Sam with free shorts as they said this was making him clap the beat better.

We collected the sail next morning, 40 euros for the repair and then fitted it back on the boat and gfood news was that the Port Police were not going to charge us mooring fees on the town quay as we are under 10 metres in length.

We set sail south as the weather forecast to the north was poor, glad we went south as it poured with rain, we had thunder and lightning and for a while I was sailing by dead reckoning on the compass as I couldn't see anything! We got very wet and moored up in Lefkas Town once we had cleared the swing bridge on the entrance to the Lefkas Canal and had a hot cup of tea and got dry.

There were more birds about probably because of the approaching bad weather and we saw lots of Manx Shearwaters, no where near the thousands Sam and I saw whilst fishing of the west coast of Scotland last year.

Once we had warmed up again we set off south and sailed down the canal in to the South Ionian and hoisted the spinnaker and had a play for a few hours. Great fun as quite a stiff breeze and we got up to 6.5 knots at times. Later in the afternoon the wind increased in speed and we had to put a reef in the main and genoa and were still hitting 6 knots.

The rain finally stopped late afternoon but we kept our oilies on as it was quite cold, not sure if the next picture shows it but there was a cracking rainbow behind Sam.

We got into Sivota at half past nine just as it was getting dark having sailed nearly 25 miles and made for the pub where we dined on fish starter and Mousaka in the oldest fish restaurant in Sivota and very nice it was too. Followed by a hot shower where I was able to wash my shorts and tea shirts in the run off as they have been getting increasingly difficult to catch each morning and put on! We retired to the boat where after the late night last night and sail both slept like logs and it was quiet on the quay, apart from a Skops owl hooting like a car alarm going off in the distance.

Today we just had a short hop south to Ithica where we have moored up for the night in Kioni, it's funny but we are no more than 10 metres from the spot where Viv and I moored up 2 years ago

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