Wednesday 14 May 2014

Wednesday 14th May

The front of the house is covered in Wisteria flowers at the moment and looks a treat but will need trimming back again soon. I cut the grass the other day in between showers whilst it was just dry enough but have had to leave the end bit for now.
In the last few days there have been quite a few birds in the garden, noticable compared to how few we actually saw during our two weeks in Greece. The Mallards are coming back to be fed each day, Mrs Duck actually comes to find me if she wants food and follows me around the garden until I feed her, she has me well trained.
Stuart the Starling is busy with his wife feeding a very noisy brood in the garage roof who must be close to fledging now as they are leaning out the nest hole waiting for food. Unfortunately no activity in the House Sparrow nest box recently, looks like they have gone. I reckon they could have become Sparrow Hawk dinner as one flew threw the garden yesterday afternoon.
The Great Spotted Woodpecker has been visiting the nuts early morning as well.

My raised bed is coming on with onions, raddish, rocket, lettuce and broad beans all sprouting and beetroot and spinnage just starting to show.

The little pond is starting to clear, the water lilly has sprouted leaves and looks like it has a few flower buds on it too. The pond is full of tadpoles so hopefully we will have a crop of froglets although I saw a Blackbird at the edge the other day possibly eating them if the got too close.

Viv has started to move her pottery stuff into the "Old Goat Shed" or Wife Hutch, hopefully by the time I get back from Greece the back room will be empty and I can move the music gear in there and have a practice room where I can plug the amp in too.

I have half packed ready for tomorrow and just need to finish off now and hope I haven't fogotten anything.

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