Monday 19 May 2014

Monday 19th May

Eddie who Sam bought the boat off called by this morning to drop off a few extra bits and loan us a vacuum cleaner that Sam has put to good use whilst I had a strum on the guitar, there was not enough room for two chaps in the boat to clean at the same time was my excuse.

After cleaning we drove over to Lefkas town and bought some bits for the boat like paint, fenders and other bits and bobs and bought a bag of whitebait in a little fish shop for tea. On the drive back we spotted a Pelican flying over us.

I cooked tea whilst Sam finished off packing and moving things on the boat to the sound of a Cetti's Warbler in the bamboo bushes next to where we are camped, for such a small bird it has a very loud call, louder than a wren.
It was joined this morning by a Sardinian Warbler that scolded and followed one of the local cats from the safety of the bushes by the side of the road.

Sam washing up after dinner, the whitebait were delicious with just bread and tomatoes in olive oil and basalmic dressing.

1 comment:

  1. Looks as if you lads have got things organised,division of labour and all that. Have fun in the sun xxxx viv
