Saturday 14 March 2015

Friday 13th March

We had the last of 4 tons of marine gravel arrive today, I had dug out the remaining part of the path around the Pottery before it arrived so once dropped on the drive I was all ready to go with my trusty assistant.

The finished project, Viv can now walk from the Pottery back into the house without going on the grass so no excuse now to get out there first thing in the morning and get potting.

It was a beautiful warm, sunny day and working in the garden we could hear Skylarks singing as they claim territories either side of us. A pair of Buzzards drifted over for a while diving and chasing each other in a courtship display and then to top things off a flock of 50 Whooper Swans flew over calling like mad as they started their journey back to the arctic tundra, first ever sighting of Whoopers from the garden and 111th species for the year.

Found out that a nest has been built in the nest box I put up on the rear of the Pottery, not sure if it is a Robin or Dunnock and whether it is a new one for this year or one we missed checking from last year.

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