Wednesday 4 March 2015

Wednesday 4th March 2015

I'm back off up to ,Maryport again this afternoon whilst Viv holds the fort at home, just me parked up by the graveyard tonight.

I thought I'd take a few pictures around the garden as today the sun is out and it's warm enough to wander around the garden in a t-shirt for the first time in ages. The pond is still looking pretty bare but there are the odd green shoots starting to show and the fish seem a bit more active swimming about in the sun, the water is clear enough to see the bottom at present.

A friend of Viv's on the Isle of Man says they have frogs gathering in their pond but no sign of any in our garden yet.

These bulbs have flowered under the plum tree and we have a nice display of snowdrops at the back of the pond. If the warm weather continues I'll have to cut the grass when I get back.

I'm hoping frogs might come back to this little pond I moved last year into the raised bed, it's looking a bit green at present but that should provide good food for any taddies in there.

A pair of Tree Sparrows visited the feeder on the pear tree again this morning along with a pair of Long Tailed Tits, yesterday a lone Marsh Tit was investigating the trees around the pond and the Song Thrush is still singing each morning outdoing the Blackbirds, Starling and Chaffinch.

When I get back I'm going to have to get busy on Viv's Studio laying an armoured cable from the garage to supply power for the kiln and lights. I'll sink the cable underground and then lay a gravel path from the garage to it and around the front and side of the studio. It will make it easier to get in when it's wet and I can remove the slabs in front of the patio door that are getting a bit slippery.

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