Tuesday 10 March 2015

Sunday 8th March 2015

I've just got back from Maryport again after a few days working on the boat with Alec. We had quite a busy time in between the gales and rain, I have never camped in such strong winds before and had a really poor couple of nights sleep being buffeted in the lay-by, at one point I though I might have to get up and move the van back into a street in town in case I got blown over!

We did get one half decent day when I was able to finish rubbing down the port side and Alec was able to start applying a coat of Primocon to bond to the hull, I actually quite like the silvery grey colour. I was worried it was going to take loads of paint as at £60-00 a two and half litre tin it's quite pricey but we gave it coat all over with just under half a tin left. We are thinking a deep navy hull and picking out the line along the top of the hull in deep navy as well.

Alec has been busy whilst I was home fitting out the fore-peak.

We re-seated four of the shroud supports that the survey said needed attention, re-seated the auto-helm block that was leaking a bit, changed the oil in the engine, serviced the grease pump, fuel filter and sanded down the ceilings in the cupboards ready for painting.

We have decided we will berth the boat at Maryport for this year as it gives us more time to get her into shape without having to rush to get her into the water and then moved before everything can be fully checked out. Alec says we can always sail his boat until it is sold if need be but hopefully Sundance will be in the water in a couple of months.
We all felt the decision to stay at Maryport made sense and it gives us time to explore and get to know the area before deciding where to end up for next year.

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