Tuesday 3 February 2015

A walk around the village

The pond over the back was one of the few not covered by ice today and as a result there were 135 Mallard, 2 Tufted Duck and 1 Moorhen enjoying the open water as I walked past.

I was out looking for Siskins and Redpoll but unfortunately didn't see any but did see a pair of Tree Creepers, a couple of Jays, Goldcrests along with Bullfinches, Linnets and almost every present calling Common Buzzards overhead. I had a walk around the carp ponds now very overgrown.

When the kids were little there was a grass edge mown to bowling green perfection around this hollow. It used to be full of water and had a huge shoal of big carp in it as well, now there are just trees and a muddy hollow.

Paradise Hill is always a good spot for Buzzard watching as soar on the thermals, there is actually a Jay just right of centre of the picture and a pair of frisky grey squirrels off to the left. The tree tops were full of Jackdaws the odd Great Spotted Woodpecker and Chaffinches.

This Oak always looks impressive even in the depths of winter with no foliage, I thought I might try and capture it changing through the seasons if the memory doesn't go.

The woods are full of snowdrops at the moment just like a white carpet the main reason for taking the camera.

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