Friday 20 February 2015

Friday 20th February

I have just finished packing the car ready to go down to Harwich for a weekends sailing whilst Viv holds the fort at home, still a bit too cold for her at sea.

Although cold outside and the frost just melting from the grass the birds are singing their heads off.

We have had a Song Thrush in the garden most days and it sits in the either the plum or holly trees and sings every day and is hopefully establishing a territory to breed in. The Chaffinches have started singing as well and we have woken up to their song for the last week in the garden.

This morning a pair of Tree Sparrows visited the feeders again and as I was checking the pond for any signs of life I could see two Skylarks singing and displaying to each other in the field opposite.

The Starlings are scuffling about in the nest box next to the bathroom, Stuart Starling has taken over the nest site at the end of the garage and a Blue Tit seems to be very interested in the box on the Keswick Apple tree so all go in the garden.

I did see a couple of goldfish drifting around the pond but it won't be long now until the frogs and toads return with luck. I wonder if they will return to the raised bed pond this year?

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