Sunday 2 August 2015

Riverside Festival Nottingham

We met up with Leah who had moored up opposite the Riverside Festival In Nottingham, a lovely way to enjoy the music, rides and stalls as the boat offers a quiet retreat when it all gets a bit too much.

Gypsy getting into the festive mood!

Cleared out a bit of weed from the garden pond and topped it up, found this handsome chap in the weed a Smooth Newt, still quite a few of them present but all the tadpoles have long gone.

I was looking up at the neighbours who have nested above the bedroom window only to see the last two from the brood fly the nest, although this one later returned for a while. I will miss their chattering at night and early morning when they go south in a few weeks time.

The parents are a great guide to when a Sparrow Hawk is about calling constantly, one flew into the bush next to the garage this evening and then across the lawn to the Chestnut tree before heading off over the field pursued by a gaggle of Housed Martins.

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