Thursday 31 May 2012

Photos from Eufimia, Kephalonia 31st May

Katie, Simon and Kevin, who lft the chocolate cookies with Viv

The view out from Eufimia towards Sami, Andisamos is behind the headland on the left

Moored up in Eufimia, our apartment is in the building behind the large lampost in the foreground

Our next door neighbour who poped in for a visit on the balcony

Looking out across the bay from Eufimia across the Ithaca straight to Ithaca

Thursday 31st May - Eufimia Kephalonia

Thursday 31st May – Eufimia
Whilst I was checking the boat over a chap came over and started to say hello in Greek, he thought I was a local because of the beard and tan and small boat! Quite funny really, he was over on holiday with his wife and children and one son was fascinated with trying to catch hermit crabs and fish in the harbour
We got chatting to a young couple in the restaurant in the evening who we had seen at Andisamos Bay the previous day. Then as we were walking back towards the apartment later we saw them again with the lad’s dad who mentioned someone had left a present on the boat. We had a look and saw someone had left a packet of chocolate cookies on the forepeak. It turned out it was Katie and Simon wishing us luck on our travels, a really nice gesture and much appreciated. Unfortunately they have to return to Birmingham in a few days time.
Today has been very much a chill out day, wandering around the village, a beer, couple of sessions on the guitar and hopefully a swim when it cools off a bit, followed by a spot of dinner.
We have a family of Swallows living above the light next door and they come and perch on the balcony right next to us when we sit outside and chatter away to us. One of them even flew into the apartment and I had to catch it and let it back out
Tomorrow we aim to sail up the coast to seek out potential camp sites for when Gareth arrives so will probably be out of contact for a few days until we return here next Monday.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

The Route from Nidri, Lefkas to Eufimia, Kephalonia

The route from Nidri on Lefkas to Eufimia on Kephalonia

Wednesday 30th May - Eufimia, Kephalonia

Wednesday 30 May – Eufimia, Kephalonia
Woke up to a beautiful sunny day in Andisamos Bay, not a cloud in a clear blue sky. Sea flat calm so I made the crew coffee in bed whilst we looked out on the bay, this really has been a lovely spot to spend the night and meeting Guiseppe last night was good fun.
Set sail and hauled the anchor up and had a great gentle beat out the bay then up the coast and across to Eufimia in a gently building wind making 5.4 knots at times. We only put the motor on just before we entered the harbour and moored up in the shelter of a high quay in the north-west corner .
Found a nice little quayside tavern for a beer and lunch then a small apartment for the night as a treat. A good opportunity to wash out clothes, towels, pots and pans and us as well. I am particularly looking forward to not having to inflate my bed before getting in to it and not having to hang on when a ferry passes!
 Some sailing observations.
Each time I have to set the anchor I am glad I went for the slightly heavier Danforth and 6m of chain and a long rope, it can get really windy out here so quickly and the peace of mind from having a good long line and anchor cannot be over emphasized. Similarly I am glad I put extra cleats in the rear so we can moor and tie up with security and ease. The extra ropes I brought have come in handy and all three plus the spare anchor line have been employed on a number of occasions. Next time though I think it would be a good investment to get better quality or carry some rubber piping to act as shrouds as they are showing signs of wear against the number of very rough quays we have moored to. A problem out here is everything is geared to bigger boats so quays are very high.
I have commented on the inflatable mattresses, they are great but it would have made sense to have maybe carried a spare or two in the front hold.
We were worried about getting a dongle to access the internet but fortunately most places have Wi-Fi so it is easy to go and have a beer or coffee and plug in. Charging batteries and radios has not been a problem as most tavernas will let you plug into the mains as well. 

Andisamos Bay, Kephalonia

Anchored off the beach Andismos Bay, Kephalonia

Looking out to towards the mouth of Andisamos Bay, Kephalonia

Looking towards the head of the Andisamos Bay, Kephalonia

Viv washing the pots after dinner

Viv, the barmaid and Guiseppe, Andisamos Bay

The crew getting coffee in bed, Andisamos Bay

Pera Pigadhi island, Ithaca

Moored up all alone on Pera Pigadhi island, Ithaca

The view across the bay to the valley where Athena led Odysseus to meet the swineherd Eumaeus in Homer'sOdyssey

Fishing off the quay at Pera Pigadhi, no luck!

The beautiful friend that took a liking to Viv on Pera Pigadhi island

Photos from Sarakiniko Bay, Ithaca

When it rains it pours, Sarakiniko Bay, Ithaca

Margaret, Viv and Matthais, Sarakiniko. The next slide is a video of the thunderstorm Margaret and Matthais sheltered us from

Margaret and Matthais waving us goodbye from their lofty perch

Photos from Kioni, Ithaca

Spot the little red boat tent in Kioni Harbour

Viv and Christos from the 3 Mills Restaurant, Kioni

No Viv, it's too big!

Trying to trawl for fish out of Kioni

Tuesday 29 May - Andisamos Bay, Kephalonia

Monday 28th May – Pera Pigadhi Island, Ithaca
Quite an eventful day yesterday, woke up in Kioni and walked down to the 3 Mills Restaurant to use the toilet to find the village suffering a power cut so had to go in the dark. Fortunately I remembered the layout from the night before but it was pitch black in there. Chatted to Christos who works there afterwards, he was interested in the boat asking how we had arrived and where we were going and was interested to know if others would be following suit.
The restaurant is named after the ruins of three old windmills on the point as you enter Kioni bay. It is a really pretty little anchorage and a nice place to spend a couple of days.
A fishing boat pulled in next to us as we were packing up, it had been out Swordfishing all night using long lines up to a mile or more in length with hooks each baited with a small fish. They had only caught one fish all night whereas, a few years ago they would have expected to have got around 100 kilos a trip.
We set off just before 10:00 and motored out of the bay then set sail south east along the coast, hoisting the spinnaker for over an hour and half until the wind came round too much to fly it. Back out with the genoa but a bit later it died away completely so we motored in to Sarankiniko Bay. The cliffs around the entrance had fantastic colours and contortions with all manner of folds and faults. We anchored off the beach at the top of the bay and had lunch on the rocks. We were thinking of staying but the best place had already been bagged with a tent although it appeared disused with a bit of rubbish around. Just as we were preparing to leave it started to rain so we sheltered under the olive trees. Then it really began to rain, it absolutely threw it down. As we were standing there in the pouting rain getting soaked we heard some whistling and shouting and could see this couple waving to us from what looked a semi derelict house up on the hill. We made our way up the beach and hillside and were met by a chap with an umbrella and followed him along to a house.
The house was great, what looked like work in progress was actually the patio, the main part of the house was hidden from the beach behind it. Margaret and Matthias have lived there for over 20 years having built and extended it themselves whilst they visit from Germany each year. Matthias made a very welcome cup of tea and snack as we sat and chatted whilst the thunder and lightning rolled all around us. At times it was so loud we almost had to shout to each other with the rain hammering on the roof.
Margaret is an artist and carves objects from wood and stone she finds and showed us a couple of really nice pieces she had done.
Our thanks go to Margaret and Matthias for their welcome and hospitality it was much appreciated getting  us out of the torrential rain and made what could have been a miserable hour sheltering under the trees into a mini adventure, what travelling is all about.
When the storm finished we went back down to the boat and bailed out about 2-3 inches of water, it was a downpour and a half but then the sun came out and it was a lovely afternoon.
We motored on down the coast to Pera Pigadhi island and tied up to a small quay for the night. We and were a bit apprehensive as the locals call it Rat Island as there supposed to be sightings of particularly large rats there. We didn’t see any but moored off the quay on long lines just in case!
Quite a rocky nights sleep in the swell and wind, it did die off for a bit but by 06:00 was blowing a steady Force 4 with gusts of force 5 and pretty much kept it up all day. For a change I managed to tune in to the weather forecast and decided to stay put for the day, hopefully it will drop off tomorrow.
We treated ourselves to a “Wayfarer pre-packed breakfast” this morning, beans, egg, sausage and bacon a real change from salami and cheese, felt like a typical Brit on holiday abroad!
We explored our island, doesn’t take long firstly, because it is so small and secondly, the undergrowth is really thick so limits how far you can go. We did have a great view from the other side though out across to Kalamos, Kastos and the Greek mainland to the north east. It seems a long time since we were there last week.
Just across the channel from the island to Ithaca is a bay with a rocky gully leading up to crags called Raven’s Crag. Legend has it this is where the goddess Athena led Odysseus to meet a swineherd in Homer’s Odyssey. There is a spring where the pigs were led to drink and feed on acorns to make them fat. Just beyond the spring is a cave where the swineherd was supposed to have lived. If it is too windy to carry on tomorrow we may just move the half mile across the bay and anchor up and explore the valley.
We do feel a bit remote here, one boat sailed past just before 09:00 and if you climb the hill to the top of our island you can see two more yachts anchored in a nearby bay on Ithaca but that’s it apart from the gulls and hooded crows.
Viv was adopted by a beautiful big Swallow tail butterfly in the afternoon that sat on her finger feeding off the remnants of her jam sandwich for lunch.
I had a paddle in a rock pool this afternoon soaking my feet letting the shrimps give me a pedicure lovely until about eight of the large centipede type things came out to join in. I dropped a piece of broken winkle in and the shrimps started to gather round and feed on it. Then one of the centipede things came up and just opened a large mouth at one end and swallowed the whole thing. It put me off my pedicure, some of them are big enough to swallow a whole toe!
Tuesday 29th May Pera Pigadhi to Andisamos Bay, Kephalonia
We set off really early as the wind finally dropped in the early hours of the morning when it started to rain, overcast when we got up but not raining although tent still very wet when we packed it up.
Motored out south between our island and Ithaca, then out to Ioannis Point before turning south west towards the bottom tip of Ithaca. We were considering stopping over at Andreas Bay on the bottom tip of the island and motored in to suss it out. However, already 4 yachts in there who had bagged the best spots last night and no where really to camp on the beach. So in view of cloudy cool conditions decided to push on to Kephalonia.
Once back out of the bay set sail in gentle Force 2-3 from north west making about 1.5 – 2.5 knots until about and hour later the wind dropped off to nothing. Motored into Andisamor Bay and anchored up off the beach. This is a small bay just to the north east of Sami.  The book describes it as a quite anchorage but it looks like they have built a new road in the last few years and now there is a bar (where we had to sample the beer) and a sailing school is starting up. However, we have anchored up at the other end where it is quiet and deserted.
One minute we can be sitting in the boat and then it starts to rock in a big swell for no reason until we realize a ferry has passed about 15-20 minutes ago in the main channel between Ithaca and Kephalonia.
After a bit of a cloudy start and a touch of rain the clouds cleared in the afternoon to leave a lovely sunny day. We swam and watched the fish around the eel grass and rocks then cooked on the beach as the sun went down. After dinner we walked up to the restaurant at the other end of the beach but it was just about to close but let us buy a half litre of wine. There was only us and the staff there so we sat and chatted until they left then shared another carafe of wine with Guiseppe the owner until gone half ten. Viv and I then had to walk back along the beach in the moon and starlight and get into the tent moored at anchor off shore with the bay deserted except for us and a Scops owl boob boobing on the far side.
We will stay here tonight at anchor and probably head for Eufimia tomorrow and then explore the coast of Kephalonia and Ithaca to the north before returning to Sami next week to meet Gareth.

Saturday 26 May 2012

Saturday 26th May, Kioni, Ithaca

Saturday 26th May Kioni
Started off a bit cloudy but then sun came and out it was a beautiful sunny day and hot.
Had a bit of a shock around lunchtime when a Greek ferry decided it wanted to berth in our spot and we had to quickly move to another part of the quay so all the day trippers could be unloaded. Yesterday the ferries berthed the other side, it appears the sign telling us it was a ferry berth both sides had been removed but all the locals had said it was ok for us to berth up. Oh well no harm done and when the ferries stopped at 16:00 we moved back.
I had to go and fill the petrol can up today ready for the trip down south of the island. The Greeks are very friendly and helpful and will stop to give a lift so I set off in great hope for the petrol station about 6 miles away. Great having friendly people, only problem is if there is no-one around then it’s shanks pony. I ended up catching a lift about a third of the way there on a scooter and about half way back in a car but still had a long hike with the can. Still the views out along the coast were spectacular.
The couple next to us last night, Richard and Sally-Ann were very helpful with advice on decent weather sites this morning before they left and fetched them up on their internet connection. Looks like favourable winds for the next few days, so we will head south tomorrow. It may mean a few nights under canvas as I don’t think there are any facilities now until we reach Kephalonia unless we have to divert for some reason.
The only down side with the harbour is the number of stray cats, they are everywhere and one has sprayed on the side of the tent. If the culprit is identified then it will be able to tell the rest how warm the water is!

Photos from Kioni (2)

Moored up at Kioni, Ithaca and time to relax

The view from the boat into the harbour, Kioni at night

Richard and Saally-Ann our neighbours for the night at Kioni who provided a good weather site and forecast

More photos from Kioni 26th May

With a couple of Greek hunks in Big Vathi, Ithaca

Wrestling with another Spinach Pie breakfast

Moored up in Kioni, Viv on a mission to find the taverna, the ferry stops just after four and leaves

Photos from Kioni, Ithaca

Replete after a nice meal in Vathi

Spinnaker up sailing into Kioni, Ithaca

Viv with Beryl and Ivan, Kioni

Friday 25 May 2012

Friday 25th May Kioni, Ithaca

Friday 25 May Kioni, Ithaca
Spent a nice couple of days in Big Vathi, apparently it is called Big Vathi because there is another smaller Vathi on Meganisi and also a Vathi Bay on mainland Greece, funny to think we have stayed in all of them now.
It was nice to sleep in a proper bed and have a shower as well as wash our clothes. We just chilled for a couple of days wandering around the town and eating out having found a really nice restaurant just behind the main square that did great food.
As we were walking to the boat this morning I spoke with an old chap fishing. He was using a sort of small sledge with two hooks sticking out the back and an imitation crab on the top. It seems you chuck it out then drag it in across the bottom in the hope an octopus will grab at the crab and get impaled on the hooks in doing so. He had been fishing since half seven and caught one octopus.
We motored out into the gulf and then set full sail out to the mouth before turning north towards Kioni, the wind dropped for a while so had to motor again but then as we turned west towards Kioni it came back and we were able to sail into Kioni under full main and spinnaker with Viv helming , dropping them just before we had to motor in and find a berth
Kioni is a beautiful little port, tucked in at the head of a small deep bay with the houses rising up from the quay up the hillside. It seems a really friendly sort of place with other yachties coming up and talking.
We met a couple Ivan and Beryl from Worcester who we first bumped in to in Frikes and shared a beer chatting, then they came back to the boat and Beryl even came aboard for a look around, didn’t take long! Ivan now owes me a medal as he bet me there was no way Beryl would get on such a small boat.
We both had a swim and I snorkeled out along the edge of the bay, it was alive with fish more than I have seen anywhere else and in places as I swam out from the edge the underwater cliffs just dropped off to at least 60 foot plus in deep clear blue water, truly amazing. This is more like swimming in the Mediterranean I remember as a kid on family holidays.
It seems such a nice place Viv wants to stay an extra day so we will put off going south for another day.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Photos from Limenia Beach, Ithaca (3)

Camp packed and ready to load on the boat to Vathi

Viv taking us into Big Vathi, Ithaca. The next clip is video of the windy weather and goats on Limeia Beach not sure if videos upload so here goes anyway!

Photos from Limenia Beach Ithaca (2)

How to anchor with peace of mind when it is gusting up to Force 8!

The route from Nidri on Llefkas to Limenia Bay Ithaca

The kitchen and wall we built to shelter the tent and cook, Limenia Beach

Viv with Kiki who ran the supermarket in Frikes, she referred to us as "Homer" after his Odyssey in a small boat.

Photos from Limenia Beach, Ithaca (2)

Viv making pancajes again, Limenia Beach, the meths is for cooking not drinking!

Some nice guys we met on their boat "Polydeuces"

The ants are right posh with their routes over here

Photos from Frikes and Limenia Beach, Ithaca

Packing the boat in Frikes ready to move over to Limenia Beach

Our own private beach at Limenia

First fish a bit ugly and too small for lunch

Guitar practice Limenia Beach

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Wednesday 23rd May - Big Vathi, Ithaca

Wednesday 23 May- Big Vathi, Ithaca
We had a really nice campsite under the olive trees with just the goats who visited late evening and first thing in the morning sharing with us. Apart from lots of crickets, the usual column of ants and some massive wasps if they were wearing striped jerseys then they would fit a welsh prop forward and not look tight!
It’s funny being under the olive trees as they are still in flower so the tent gets covered in pollen, also as the petals fall they sound like rain splattering against the tent especially in the wind we have had lately. I am sure we have had a few lizards running about as well as first thing in the morning.
Viv saw her first live snake walking back from the village today about 3 feet long and green. The walk along the cliff path is lovely and alive with crickets and locusts chirping. Who ever goes first though gets covered in cobwebs as the orb spiders spin their webs across the path every night.
The forecast yesterday was for the winds to increase to Force 5-6 and rain today, we were going to sit it out but when I walked into the village this morning the forecast was for winds of 3-5 with rain later possibly tonight and at the time it was quite calm so we decided to pack up and move round to Kioni.
We said our goodbyes to Kiki who runs the supermarket who  was not only very helpful but also a mine of information, her weather forecasts were always much better than the various fleets or the official ones. I am coming to the opinion though that it starts with some wind then more, sometimes it gets cloudy, if it does get cloudy it might rain but if it doesn’t then it might get windier and unless it comes from the north west then it can come from anywhere and it changes in every bay!
We packed up in record time and motored out at 11:30 and hoisted sail half an hour later and beat down the coast to Kioni. The wind was still a pleasant 2-3 and the weather holding so we decided to push on to Big Vathi the main town on the island. The thinking being if it does rain all day tomorrow there will be more to do there than in Kioni which is the same size as Frikes.
We had a pleasant sail into the Molos Gulf where the wind behaved in typical Greek fashion swinging all over the place and then gusting from virtually nothing to a good 4 with both of us having to hike out. Discretion being the better part of valour we put in a reef then decided to drop the main as it was so gusty and unpredictable and motor the last bit in.
We moored up and went in search of a beer then a cheap hotel in town as you can have too much of good thing at times and the thought of possible rain has caused us to wimp out and seek a bit of comfort. The fact my inflatable bed only inflates for about 2 hours and the spare has come out in sympathy reinforced the decision for comfort. Now I am a pensioner I have to think of these things!
It felt like a real treat getting into a hot shower and washing the salt and grime off from the last few days, my hair feels about ten times lighter and I am really looking forward to a proper bed tonight. We will probably stop here a couple of days before finding somewhere else to camp up depending on the weather.

Monday 21 May 2012

Monday 21st May Limenia Beach, Ithaca

Monday 21 st May – Limenia Bay, Ithaca

We moved yesterday from the harbor at Frikes to Limenia Bay about half a mile to the north west and much more sheltered than the harbour. We have the place to ourselves just us a bunch of ants, loads of crickets, quite a few very noisy locusts and lizards. Looking out over the bay we can see the resident gulls mobbing either what looks to be a Buzzard or Short Toed Eagle every time it strays off the land over the bay.
We set up camp in a terraced olive grove so there are places to put the tent, hang the mosquito net and washing. I even did a bit of fishing last night and some ugly little fish grabbed my spinner, it must have been hungry as it was only about three times the size of the spinner. We also caught some of the local marine residents whilst washing up, a starfish, sea urchin of which there are always hundreds and a few of the funny centipede looking things the locals refer to as “willies”.
Looks like the weather may be changing with the wind coming from the south east and getting up a bit, if so we may have to stay put as it’s about 9 miles to Vathi and that would involve beating into the wind with the coast as a lee shore. Still it is really nice little cove we are in and only 10 minutes walk back to the nearest village.
We met three chaps sailing an old 32 foot folk type boat who seemed really nice and made an interesting proposition we need to give some serious consideration to when we get back.
We needed to get some more cash out today and nearest bank was in Stavros about 3-4 miles away but fortunately I managed to hitch a lift in the back of a truck and then hitched a lift on the back of a moped back so only took a few minutes. Managed to have a quick look round Stravros, visit the church and see Kephalonia across the straight.
After a beer in Penelope’s we walked back to the tent, warm but overcast then about half two the wind started to build. By 15:00 it was blowing a good 4-5 with white caps in the bay and boat bouncing about at anchor. The wind continued to increase and by 16:00 it was a steady force 6 gusting top end of 7. I spoke to a boat that came in at that time and he recorded 38 knots!
Our poor old boat was getting thrown up and down but seemed to be holding but seeing as it got so windy I ran a second line off the bow across to a lazy line in the corner of the bay and this seemed to hold her a bit steadier, together with the stern lines I already had rigged. One thing I am really glad of is having gone for a decent size anchor with 6m of chain and plenty of rope as well as bringing the old grapple as a stern/standby.  By 19:00 the wind had dropped to a force 2 with just the swell left. We were both glad we were camped and not at anchor with the boat in the boat tent.

Photos 20th May

Saturday 19 May 2012

Photos Kalamos

The thunderstorm that hit the port and shorted out the electric, Kalamos

A beach all to ourselves about 20 minutes walk from Port Kalamos