Wednesday 16 May 2012

Wednesday 16th May Matiki Mainland Greece

Wednesday 16th May
Packed up our camp this morning, it was a really nice little spot to find. I                expect the ants will be happy we have moved on though as they diverted their old route that we put the tent on top of to go around the side of it. It is amazing that their routes are so clear like mouse runs and go right across the beach, if we were walking as far each day it would be real route march.
The Hooded Crow has got bolder each day and now calls from the olive tree in front of the tent at dawn taking over from Wewhat we think is a Scops Owl who calls during the night. It’s got a call like an electric gadget boob boob all night long. I’m glad it was in the next valley as if it had been nearer it would have driven us round the bend!
We motored out to Atheni Point from Ambelaki Bay and as we did so a turtle surfaced just off our bow, we could see it going west underwater but didn’t see it come up again. Once clear of the bay we hoisted sail and set off. I was a bit apprehensive hence the early start at 08:55 as it was nearly 9 miles across the water back to the mainland. Although the forecast was light winds I finally managed to pick up a Greek forecast on the VHF that started with gale warnings of Force 8-9 luckily in the Adriatic. Google had shown our area as 2-3 rising to 4-5 late afternoon.
The rain we had in the night was still evident in lots of cloud cover so much so we ended up both putting on our sailing jackets as it got a bit too cool just for t-shirts. The wind eventually dropped and we had to motor the last 2 miles in Mitika on the Greek mainland just north of the north point of the island of Kalamos.
Nice little harbor but not much used as quite shallow, we managed to squeeze in ok and put up the tent and I even managed to wash out my shorts, pants and t-shirts as I was getting fed up having to tie them down each night! Glad we did set off early arriving in harbor at 11:30 as early afternoon the wind kicked in at a good 4-5 for the rest of the afternoon not dropping to after 19:00.
I got chatting to a chap on the quay who was from Stroud but lived in Bristol for a while, funny thing was we were standing next to a boat called Bristol Fashion. Later I walked down to the other end of the bay and met a couple from New Zealand travelling round in an old P registered camper van who seemed really nice. They said the scenery reminds them a bit of their home and in a way it’s like sunny Scotland if that’s possible with all the mountains around.
The town is quite quaint but not yet geared up for tourists or the season is still early. We did find a nice taverna on the harbor for beer and dinner.

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