Thursday 31 May 2012

Thursday 31st May - Eufimia Kephalonia

Thursday 31st May – Eufimia
Whilst I was checking the boat over a chap came over and started to say hello in Greek, he thought I was a local because of the beard and tan and small boat! Quite funny really, he was over on holiday with his wife and children and one son was fascinated with trying to catch hermit crabs and fish in the harbour
We got chatting to a young couple in the restaurant in the evening who we had seen at Andisamos Bay the previous day. Then as we were walking back towards the apartment later we saw them again with the lad’s dad who mentioned someone had left a present on the boat. We had a look and saw someone had left a packet of chocolate cookies on the forepeak. It turned out it was Katie and Simon wishing us luck on our travels, a really nice gesture and much appreciated. Unfortunately they have to return to Birmingham in a few days time.
Today has been very much a chill out day, wandering around the village, a beer, couple of sessions on the guitar and hopefully a swim when it cools off a bit, followed by a spot of dinner.
We have a family of Swallows living above the light next door and they come and perch on the balcony right next to us when we sit outside and chatter away to us. One of them even flew into the apartment and I had to catch it and let it back out
Tomorrow we aim to sail up the coast to seek out potential camp sites for when Gareth arrives so will probably be out of contact for a few days until we return here next Monday.

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