Sunday 6 May 2012

Monday 7th May

Monday 7th May
The fresh mullet and prawns for dinner last night were delicious with a packet of Tai cuscous then we went down the pub for shower and glass or two of wine. We chatted to a chap called Ron “Chalky” White from Thornbury in Bristol of all places. He is on his own as sadly his wife passed away a few years ago but it was good chatting about Bristol, sailing and his local knowledge and I think he enjoyed the company as much as us.
It seems strange we have been away 2 weeks now and already I am starting to appreciate and miss being able to have a shower, sit in a chair or open the fridge. The mosquitoes here are a real pain and gang up to attack in the evening. Sailing yesterday I counted 17 bites on one leg on Viv alone, surprising what you concentrate on when the tacks are over 2 hours long!
It is lovely and sunny again here sitting in a café having coffee before packing the boat and off.

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