Wednesday 9 May 2012

Wednesday 9th May

Wednesday 9th May
We need not have worried about the smell on the beach as it didn’t really seem to bother us much at all last night. We had a nice dinner of local Lefkas sausage and a couple of Mythos beers cooled in the sea before bed. During the night we could hear Shearwaters caterwauling as they came in to roost and then later Nightjars calling all night all around us in the trees.
The morning dawned bright and sunny again so Viv had an early morning dip in the buff whilst I watched an Octopus that was at least two and half feet across the tentacles hunting shrimps in the rock pools.
We motored out to the mouth of Vathia bay and then set sail, slight problem in that the spinnaker line had tangled around the head of the genoa but we hove to and I sorted it out then reefed as wind was increasing. Pleasant sail across to Nidri where we sailed past a flock of about a dozen Shearwaters sitting on the water really close to the boat.
 Neilson’s Holidays have kindly let us berth at the end of their pontoon for a couple of nights so we walked into Nidri and had a beer or two then found a local hotel the Georgio Palace for E25-00 a night with en-suite and a small kitchen.  Viv is chuffed to bits with it as it seems the height of luxury after the last week. We will spend 2 nights here before moving on and intend to hit the town for a meal tonight then hire a motorbike to explore the island tomorrow (E10-00 a day).

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