Friday 25 May 2012

Friday 25th May Kioni, Ithaca

Friday 25 May Kioni, Ithaca
Spent a nice couple of days in Big Vathi, apparently it is called Big Vathi because there is another smaller Vathi on Meganisi and also a Vathi Bay on mainland Greece, funny to think we have stayed in all of them now.
It was nice to sleep in a proper bed and have a shower as well as wash our clothes. We just chilled for a couple of days wandering around the town and eating out having found a really nice restaurant just behind the main square that did great food.
As we were walking to the boat this morning I spoke with an old chap fishing. He was using a sort of small sledge with two hooks sticking out the back and an imitation crab on the top. It seems you chuck it out then drag it in across the bottom in the hope an octopus will grab at the crab and get impaled on the hooks in doing so. He had been fishing since half seven and caught one octopus.
We motored out into the gulf and then set full sail out to the mouth before turning north towards Kioni, the wind dropped for a while so had to motor again but then as we turned west towards Kioni it came back and we were able to sail into Kioni under full main and spinnaker with Viv helming , dropping them just before we had to motor in and find a berth
Kioni is a beautiful little port, tucked in at the head of a small deep bay with the houses rising up from the quay up the hillside. It seems a really friendly sort of place with other yachties coming up and talking.
We met a couple Ivan and Beryl from Worcester who we first bumped in to in Frikes and shared a beer chatting, then they came back to the boat and Beryl even came aboard for a look around, didn’t take long! Ivan now owes me a medal as he bet me there was no way Beryl would get on such a small boat.
We both had a swim and I snorkeled out along the edge of the bay, it was alive with fish more than I have seen anywhere else and in places as I swam out from the edge the underwater cliffs just dropped off to at least 60 foot plus in deep clear blue water, truly amazing. This is more like swimming in the Mediterranean I remember as a kid on family holidays.
It seems such a nice place Viv wants to stay an extra day so we will put off going south for another day.

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