Friday 19 July 2013

Monday 15th July

Currently beached on Kentra bay back on the mainland between Ardanamurchan Point and Arasaig after a good sail across from Eigg.
Woke up this morning to cloudy, windy day and thought at first we would be staying on Eigg for the day so got up early and went fishing. Tried for Mackerel off the old pier and then went to the new pier to try for sea trout but no luck. At least yesterday I hooked a decent sized mackerel on the spinner but it fell off before I could grab it! I carried on for a while but I reckon it swam back and warned all its mates off as no more bites. So I went cockling instead and picked about 40 cockles that I had for dinner with rice and vegetables, Kate doesn’t like them so I had to eat them all.
Whilst I was fishing this morning I saw a dolphin jumping out the water as it was swimming along just off shore. Then a Red Throated Diver flew over with food taking it inland, I expect to it young on one of the little lochans. It was followed a bit later by a small flock of Dunlin.
I also tried fishing off the beach by the pier but again no luck but did track and otter back from the water’s edge to the rocks and back again but no sign of it, it probably came up during the night.
We set sail at 1:00pm in a good force 3-4 from the south west, quite a few white caps and enough swell to keep us concentrating. It was quite a wet crossing just over 10 miles and we got up to over 7 knots at times with a first reef in and the genoa rolled. The new sail performs much better than the old one and has a much better shape when reefed.
 We found a nice sandy beach but as we arrived just before low tide it meant a long push up the beach for the boats on rollers. Tomorrow the tide will be high just after lunch time so hopefully it will only be a short push then back into the water.
As we arrived the weather closed in, visibility fell as the mist and then rain came down and we ended up putting the boat tent up in the rain. It looks like it will be in for the evening now so I think it will be dinner on the boat then a read and bed. The nearest pub is about a six mile walk away across fields and then along the road, a bit too far in the rain.

Tuesday 16th July

Rained heavily overnight but tent stood up well and was nice and dry, it’s always a bit damp though when it pours as we arrived in wet gear and wet boat and that makes it difficult to mop up and dry things out. Fortunately when we woke up it was dry and the weather improved during the day so we were able to make some clothes lines and hang things up to dry.
We spent the morning tidying and drying up and hiked into the nearest town Acharacle on the mouth of Loch Shiel for a coffee and cake and the a steak and pint or two in the hotel. It was about 5-6 miles so we were dead pleased to get a lift half way back even if it meant getting five of us into the back of a golf!
The beach has what they call “Singing Sands”, we think it refers to the fact the sand squeaks when you walk on it, you hear it more so when walking barefoot. Mind you there are signs saying the beach is subject to unexploded bombs so that would certainly make things sing!
Sam lit a nice fire before bed when we got back and we had a quiet sit before bed, I think the walk to the town and back tired us all out.

Woke up this morning just as the rain started, not quite sure what we are doing today but did have a phone call from Viv, first time since we parted Sunday week, probably the longest we have not been able to speak to each other since we married. Also got texts from the kids which was great. It seems strange I am on a beach that feels more remote than most of the places we have been and yet I seem to have a decent phone signal for once.

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