Tuesday 2 July 2013

Tuesday 2nd July

Spent most of yesterday fettling the boat ready for Scotland trip, fitted new genoa, replaced telltales on main and genoa and hoisted both to make sure they set ok and test out the new reefing lines on the main. Ran the outboard in a bucket then changed the engine and gear box oils, right fiddly jobs involving rivulets of oil all over the place and you have to fill the gear box up from the bottom, replace the top cap then screw in the bottom one before it all leaks out again.

Tested out putting a bivvy sheet over the boom to act as a shelter when hoved to for lunch or a break to keep weather off as there is always an outside chance it may rain whilst sailing in Scotland! It seemed to work alright and a passing shower obligingly gave it a better field test.

Whilst I was messing about with the boat Mrs Mallard came back, as I hadn't seen her arrive she walked across the lawn towards the boat and once I spotted her and said hello she turned and walked back to where she is normally fed. She has a habit of looking at you with her head cocked to one side and reminds me of my old maths teacher at college Miss Lewis-White. She has trained me quite well as once fed she flew off again to wherever she has her nest or young.

We have had a Magpie visiting the last couple of days and it kept Viv and I entertained for about 20 minutes over tea the other day. I had put out a pile of bread crusts and it was busy picking them up and wandering around the garden stashing them behind shrubs, inside the wheel of the camper, burying them in the lawn and then in a hole in the apple tree. Then it would go back dig it up again and eat some of it before wandering about looking for somewhere to stash any remains again.

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