Monday 22 July 2013

Sunday 21st July

Quiet day today listening to the test match on the radio and catching up after being away. Went for a walk just after lunch to Top Dam and saw a Kingfisher flying up the right hand bank in and out of the bushes and heard another just downstream of the dam. Also saw 3 carp, one ghost and two dark ones, a bit too far off to identify any better than that.

We carried on up over the top and checked out the cherry trees, just coming into full ripeness so braved the stingy nettles and picked a pound or more, even managed to get some home without eating them all. They are delicious especially when warm and sweet, we will be making regular visits over the next week or so!

Came back home to find a juvenile Green Woodpecker inspecting the ant hills on the lawn, it si still a bit spotty but starting to get the true adult colouring.

We went over the sailing club in the evening to celebrate Russ's birthday, 76 years young, he was quite chuffed as he had beaten Pilky in a race this afternoon. Seems like only last year though Jim, Russ and I were celebrating turning 70, 40 and 50, time seems to rush past so fast.

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