Saturday 7 June 2014

Friday 6th June

We had a nice sail from Ligia on the top of Lefkas Island across to Kalamos, we first put in at Port Leone which was devastated in the 1953 earthquake in 1953. We spent the night in Kalamos and George the bar owner sends his regards to Viv.

Sailing out of Kalamos towards Kastos the smaller sister island to the east.

We anchored off for a few hours off the top end of Kastos and swam ashore and snorkeled along the rocks, as you can see it was a hot sunny day without hardly a cloud in the sky all day. Sam spent a bit of time making a bin on the back of the boat to hold the stern anchor rope that works well and is a big improvement on what he had before.
We had three Buzzards circling the cliffs behind us and a Kestrel at one point, then as we were feeding the fish a Yellow Legged Gull came right up to the side of the boat. All the while the crickets kept a constant chirrupping in the bushes the back of the beach like something out of an African movie.
When dived near the boat there was shell fish like a cross between a clam and a large mussel two feet long
As we alone in the bay for quite a while I did take the opportunity to skinny dip to save my shorts getting wet, I am afraid the hot sun is causing them to fray and they will not last the holiday.

Rowing after a fender that had made a break for freedom and was drifting towards the shore.

1 comment:

  1. So Glad to hear that those shorts are ready for the bin!!! xxx
