Thursday 12 June 2014

Thursday 12th June

Woke up Wednesday morning to see that the dinghy was not alongside the boat any more so seeing as Sam was the last one to use it last night he had an early morning swim to recover it. It had drifted off in the night and got tied around a bouy near the quay, that will teach him to come home late and not tie it on correctly!

We were all set to go when we saw loads of fish attacking some stale bread we had dropped in so we decided to drop a line over the side and promptly caught a two fish each. A couple of nice stripey looking chaps who put up a good fight, then I had a little long thin thing with big teeth and Sam caught a right ugly looking fat thing.

It seemed funny sailing out of Fiskardo past the point where two years ago Gareth had waved Viv and I off as we had sailed across the Kephalonia Straight to the Meganissi Channel, I could picture him waving to us as clear as day.

We were intending to sail down to Assos on the west coast of Kephalonia but the wind dropped to nothing and we couldn't see the point in motoring down there only to turn back again so headed straight for Vassiliki. We got there mid afternoon just as the wind kicked in and went for a play for an hour or two blasting up and down the coast in a good force 4-5 amongst the windsurfers and hobby cat sailors.

As we were sailing into Vassiliki bay we saw a Porpoise off our port side, it was quite close in at first with a different shaped dorsal fin and was much darker and blunter nosed than the dolphins we have seen previously.

This morning I sat on a bench on the quay looking out to sea playing the guitar and was joined by a family from Liverpool. They had a young lad 11 years of age who is learning to play so after chatting for a while I let him have a go on my guitar and he played a couple of songs he was learning at school and we sang a few songs together.

We weighted anchor late morning and motored out into the bay then set sail in very light winds, stopping just after lunch for a skinny dip as it was getting really hot. Later in the afternoon the winds picked up and we hoisted the spinnaker and had a cracking sail in force 2-3 winds into Sivota completing a really good gybe in front of a big Catermeran.

A very happy sailor flying the kite into Sivota.

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