Wednesday 4 June 2014

Wednesday 4th June

This is the family that run Dionysos one of the restaurants in Paleros, she met him when on holiday in Greece whilst he was doing his national service as a soldier. She came back the following year and then he followed her back to Germany where they both worked for a while before returning to open the restaurant business. Their youngest lad is hoping to go to Chef School in the autumn as well, the other sons are in Germany.

The boat moored up at Paleros, the hard where we launched from is in the background, it seems strange it was only just over w eek ago we went into the water. The water gypsy look is airing the bedding in the morning.

We had gone back to Paleros to try and get someone to fix the electrics as apart from the on-off switch, oil light and cabin lights nothing else seems to work. Unfortunately they didn't arrive or contact us so we have moved on and will sort it later. Whilst we were moored up Sam took the toilet apart as that doesn't work either, after replacing various valves and gaskets it still doesn't work, good job we have a large bucket!

Our first visitor to the boat, Jack from Odysseus Sailing, he kindly arranged for us the move to a more sheltered mooring so we were not as exposed to the strong winds and rain we had yesterday and last night. Just as well as a boat that was moored where we moved from slipped it's anchor and it took about six people to secure it.

After all the rain we were covered in red dust that is actually fine sand from North Africa, the locals call it "Gadafi's Dust". It covered everything that was out in the rain so all the local were busy washing anything outside down today.

Last night I got a job and got paid for translating the World Cup Teams from Greek into English for Tasthos at Tomorrow Restaurant. He was trying to explain Ivory Coast as Elephant's tusks on a country on the African coast but we got there in the end.

As we sailed into Nidri today we passed the island of Skorpios, it used to belong to the Onassis family but this weekend some Russian Billionaire has hired it for his daughter's 25th birthday party. There were quite a few massive gin palaces moored up off shore and apparently there are hundreds of security guards, gun boats and divers all over the place if you get too near. Sam I have our dinner jackets with us but we also needed long black trousers not shorts to be invited!

We've been here over a month now since we first came with Sunsail and I noticed today that some of the Swallows that were building nests when we arrived have young that are virtually fledged now and will be starting on second broods soon.

How about this for getting close to the pub, we just had to step off the boat in Ligia and sit at the table for a beer!We thought it might seem rude cooking in front of a restaurant so ended up eating there as well.

Tomorrow we are up early, it looks like the bad weather forecast for today came a day early and now it looks fine for the next few days so we are going to push on for Corfu about 62 miles to the north. We will probably break the journey at Parga for a night but will hopefully be moored up south of Corfu town Friday night if all goes well.

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