Thursday 5 June 2014

Thursday 5th June

Sunrise over Ligia harbour, just to show that it is not all fun and that I have to get up early sometimes, this photo was taken at 6:30 am! Sam had already gone through his early morning wake-up routine something that sounds like a cross between an old steam engine starting up and the awakening of the Kracken.

We set off early to sail up towards Corfu but just as we got about 4 miles north of the Lefkas Canal we discovered a split in the main halyard. It was too bad to carry on so we decided to go back to Lefkas and buy a new halyard as if it had broken we would have lost the main sail.

Sailing back there were loads of small fish topping around us that attracted lots of Manx Shearwaters, some Yellow Legged Gulls and Little and Black Winged Terns then to top that 2 Dolphins turned up off our starboard beam fishing for about 5-10 minutes before we left them behind.

 It was decision time as this was effectively the third attempt at Corfu, as something had gone wrong again we have decided to stick to the southern Ionian so after fitting the new main sailed down south.We had a great run on the Spinnaker for about two and half hours getting up to about 6 knots at times and blasting along until a pulley snapped, nothing we can't fix though.

We sailed south past Meganisi and then around the southern tip of Kalamos island and up to Port Leone where we anchored off in the bay. The town is deserted after the 1953 earthquake caused extensive damage to all of the building except the church which is still used for regular services by the islanders. This picture is one of two windmills that used to stand near the entrance to the bay.

We ended up moving on though as we were not sure if the anchor was holding and it had been blowing quite strongly when we entered the bay and we worried we might drift in the night and as such not get a decent nights sleep after such and early start.

So motored up to Kalamos Harbour about 3 miles away and moored up on the quay for the night opposite the site Viv and spent a couple of nights in Mihangle. Sam and I had a beer in George's Restaurant ( George and me below) on the far end of the quay and he sent his best wishes to Viv.

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