Sunday 29 June 2014

Sunday 29th June

Woke up to find it was still raining so after breakfast we decided to drive to the Metro the local equivalent of the underground-underground and ride into Lille to have a wander around. Seems funny getting on an electric train with no drivers or conductors though.

We did the sights in Lille taking in the major squares, statues, museums and art galleries which were very nice.

This is Place de Rihour noted for the juxtaposition of brick and stone dating from the 17th century (their words not mine) but all the same the stone against brick above the shop front line is quite stunning. Behind the shops you can see a clock tower and just to the left was the Cathedral. We visited it as it seemed really busy with the majority of the Lille faithful turning up late afternoon. As it happened there was an ordination of a new Deacon so all the faithful were in their Sunday best whilst Viv and I were in our crocs and shorts, at least we had both showered before coming out. We decided not to stay for the service even though the singing was lovely and caught the Metro to the Natural History museum instead having first visited the old citadel where there were some enormous carp swimming around in the moat.

Having a "Senior moment" resting in the Natural History museum.

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