Sunday 15 June 2014

Sunday 15th June

We spent Friday night back in Spartakhori on Meganissi having started out from Sivota on Lefkas. I was playing the guitar for a while before we left and the chap on the next boat said he was lying in bed enjoyed listening to me whilst he had his cup of tea.

We motored towards the bottom of the Meganissi Channel stopping off for a quick skinny dip before hoisting the spinnaker in a steady force 2 wind and sailing up the channel and dropping the sails as we turned in to Nidri as Sam wanted to visit the chandlers there.

On leaving Nidri we motored and sailed to Sparti Island where we managed to get the baot into a little deserted quay and tied up for dinner.

After dinner the wind kicked up for a while and we had a good run down to Spartakhori on the spinnaker before the wind turned off again. It can come and go really quickly.

This is me on the helm with the spinnaker and Sam in the dinghy behind taking pictures, he nearly came a cropper hauling himself back to the boat as it nearly filled up and turned over, it would have been a hoot if he had fallen in!

Moored up on Sparti Island.

Whilst on Spartakhori Sam got speaking to Panos who we think is related to the restaurant owner Babis as he had gone out speargun fishing in the evening. He caught a few nice sea bass and some mullet and offered to take Sam next time he visits if he wants.

Saturday we sailed across to Dhesimo Bay on Lefkas for a swim and an ice cream then headed back for Paleros. Sam had another early morning dip when he dropped one of the pieces of carpet in the sea and had to dive down and fetch it out, salty but very clean now. He almost made it a third dip when he dropped the shower unit in the harbour at Paleros but fortunately I was able to reach it with the boat hook.

I am currently in "Tomorrow restaurant", the owner Tasos looks under the weather as he was up until 4:00 am due to the football being on last night. It still seems strange that they all smoke in restaurants still over here. We are due to pick Monica up from the airport this afternoon as she will be sailing with Sam whilst I start back for the "Old Country".

I am just hoping Viv and I meet up alright in Ancona, her flying in and me arriving by ferry with only a vague agreement to meet somewhere near where I will exit the ferry seems to have a few too many improbables in it for comfort!

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